Saturday, October 11, 2008

Reason #14: Rally Fries

A theme of the Mariners over the years is a tendency to let potentially good and intelligent ideas hang around so long that they lose whatever value they had and become stupid and unnecessary. Such is the case with the rally fries.

The rally fry 'phenomenon' began when during a game at Safeco Field last June, one particularly ambitious fan along the baseline tried to grab a foul ball but spilled his fries on the field in the process. The Mariner broadcasters Dave Sims and Mike Blowers, taking pity on this person, had a presumably unpaid intern bring the fan free fries. It was a nice gesture, and amusing for all watching on TV. The next night, a fan brought a sign asking for free fries as well. The broadcasters thought this was amusing, sent them free french fries and everyone got another good laugh. If it had ended here, everything would have been just fine.

But it kept going.

It turned into an every-game thing, and for a week or two that was kind of cool - kind of. By August, it was old. By September, it was stupid. By next July, it was still going and still stupid. Painfully idiotic signs and costumes were being rewarded with free four-dollar fries. Hopefully the rally fries phenomenon can die a long-overdue death over this winter, along with the Mariners policy of signing exclusively crappy veteran players.

Don't think it's a big deal? Here are some of the most recent atrocities to have been awarded free fries. The problem is clear.


duncanjm said...

Man you're just bitter cause I drove you all the way to Oakland and you didn't get any fries.

Ness said...

Nah man I'm bitter because of Adam Jones. You know that.