Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Reason #5: The SAFECO Field Bullpens

It's simple:

Sadly, whoever designed the SAFECO Field bullpens never thought of this.
  • Bar out in left field...CHECK
  • Only a chainlink fence between some ornery baseball players and some drunks...CHECK
  • Promote the experience as family fun...CHECK
Cover little Jimmy's ears when it begins, the rowdy shouting every time Tim Hudson/Johan Santana/Josh Beckett/Tim Lincecum (DIE BILL BAVASI DIE) starts his leg kick out in the pen.


And every time the warm-up pitch is a ball, high fives are in order! All around! Even if he threw a strike, gimme me some! Because, as all us true Mariners fans know, Kenji Jojiamiadklsfjas would have totally hit the stuffing right out of that meatball.

Whenever I visit and eat my Ichirolls (That's some darn good sushi for those uneducated about the finer delicacies of SAFECO) while observing all this, I can't help but wish to explain to the gathered crowd that a) as a professional athlete, Tim Hudson could probably William Tell any of these gentleman from the regulation 60 feet 6 inches or b) that heckling is an art and at that, an art not yet learned by most Seattle fans.

And really, do we need to give any opposing pitcher more motivation to shut down one of the worst lineups in baseball?



AHHHHH! WOOO! WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember that there was an article in the pi this summer about how as the mariners record went farther and farther down the toilet, so did most guys chances of scoring with one of the many attractive women that used to dot re landscape of the bullpen bar. They even interviewed guys that were like "yeah, this used to be my sure bet, but then we signed carlos silva.". One had to wonder if the inverse is true as well (if there were just a shitload of one night stands during the 01 season)