Sunday, October 5, 2008

Reason #9: Those Pesky Arizona Stadium Winds

Oh, how I curse you, Aeolus, The Greek God of Winds. How I wish a million deaths upon you, for you and you alone, caused the University of Washington Huskies to get PALINized (New verb: means to completely lose all credibility), or if you hate my liberal spin, O.J.ed (Awaiting being sentenced to life in jail or in this case, a 1-11 season.)

When asked at halftime, down 31-7, if field position had been a factor, Fearless Leader Willingham took accountability for the awful play and...oh wait, nevermind, he didn't.

"Field position and the wind because we could never get ourselves out of a hole with our special teams and we kept giving them field position ... we had two good stops but we couldn't get ourselves gathered enough to change it.''

Here's the crazy thing about football. Every quarter, YOU SWITCH SIDES OF THE FIELD! But I I guess Aeolus and his buddies thought it would be funny to change the wind direction every 25-30 minutes, so you know, Arizona wouldn't have to deal with it. That was the problem, not that Arizona QB Willie Tuitama got sacked three times simply because he just couldn't quite remember which of his teammates who he owed the next touchdown pass to.

At least Aeolus gave Willingham a message from Husky nation:

Next week vs. Oregon State: Neptune floods the field! Willingham builds ark that leaks and averages giving up 44 points a game! He remembers to get two of everything except recruits that can actually play!

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