Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Reason #29: Trading Jamie Moyer

Jamie Moyer is one of the biggest class acts in all of baseball and as you can see from the picture, is really missing Seattle right now. He won the Lou Gerhig, Roberto Clemente and Branch Rickey Awards all over a two year period, 2003-2004. He was an All-Star and a critical part of the run of quality Mariner teams in the early 2000s, winning 20 games twice and finishing in the Top 6 of the Cy Young voting three times.

Who did Bill Bavasi get for him? Andrew Baldwin and Andrew Barb. Never heard of them? Neither have I. Who foaming at the bit to make the trade? Why, only the architect of that mini-dynasty, former Mariners GM Pat Gillick, who unlike Bavasi, can read. And write. And count to 20 without taking off his shoes.

After watching Moyer go 16-7 with a 3.71 ERA for the Phillies this past year, it's pretty clear that the man was not washed up and will not be in the foreseeable future. The man pitched 6 1/3 strong innings in his first and possibly last World Series start...WITH ANAL LEAKAGE. Yes, that's right. This is not a rumor. Here is what his wife, Karen, had to say:

"It was so bad I had to change the sheets twice. He ruined two pillows. Our comforter is at the cleaners right now."

His son got in on the hi-jinks too:

"Know how the bloody sock went to the Hall of Fame? Our toilet seat should go to the Hall of Fame"

Good lord. How could you not let this man end his career in Seattle? He is everything we as a city stand for. Get your ring, Jamie.

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