Saturday, October 4, 2008

Reason #8: Shishkaberries

It's a shish-kabob! But with berries! Berries and possibly other fruits dipped in chocolate and nuts! How could this possibly go wrong?
Oh, yeah - one of these bad boys will run you 5 dollars within the confines of Safeco Field. Now, look at the above picture. How many pieces of fruit are speared on each stick? Thats right - 5. After applying my vast knowledge of calculus to this problem, I can determine that that works out to 1 dollar per berry. 1. Dollar. Per berry. Each berry costs a dollar. One dollar is required for the purchase of a solitary strawberry.

People, this is why we're in an economic crisis - banks lending out money they don't even have so customers can run around willy-nilly throwing stacks of money off of bridges and paying a dollar for a strawberry. And I'm not gonna stand for it. It's time for a change. Vote for making shishkaberries yourself at home and saving like 13 thousand dollars in the process. Yes we can! Yes we can!

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