Thursday, October 30, 2008

Reason #30: Gregg Popovich

Let's get the obvious out of the way. Popovich coached the San Antonio Spurs to victory over the Sonics in the 2005 playoffs, with Ray Allen's buzzer-beating shot clanging off to end Game 6, the series and Seattle's most recent run in the professional basketball playoffs. He also turned Bruce Bowen from a moderately bad small forward into an evil ankle-stomping cyborg. But that's not why he's on this list. Nor is it that he consistantly produces the least entertaining basketball to watch since the Washington Generals intra-squad scrimmages.

No, the reason Popovich is listed is because this is no longer funny.

Fouling the big fella five seconds into the game? Watching Shaq stand there, dumbfounded like Mongo from Blazing Saddles, and finally getting the joke? Nope. Not funny. Not even close. Because I hate you, Shaq. Kazaam was awful and your raps are the single worst noises to ever be recorded onto compact discs. I hate you, Greg Popovich. Your beard is ridiculous and your team is boring. I hate you, large association of basketball teams that pay players money. You are stupid. Nyeah nyeah.

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