Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Reason #42: The Daily Kos

Huh? What in the blue hells is a sports blog doing calling out the largest liberal politics website on the intertubes? I hear you thousands of you clamoring this very question. Fear not, I have an answer.

Seattle's very best independent sportswriter, Dave Cameron of, is in a contest for a 10,000 dollar scholarship. The winner of an online poll gets the cash. As he is a student, and still finds time to write passionate and brilliantly about the Mariners (his open letter to Rafael Chavez famously helped King Felix to a great performance, after which he credited the blog), he doesn't get compensated for his work and time. Until a few days ago, Cameron held a comfortable lead in the poll.

Until a little-known political blog, also up for the scholarship but with very few votes, began bombing Daily Kos with pleas to help him win the scholarship simply because he agreed with them politically. The ravenous Kos followers obliged, and their man now sits a few hundred votes in front of Cameron.

GO VOTE FOR DAVE CAMERON. This isn't just about a scholarship. This is about good versus evil. About David versus Goliath. And about baseball versus politics. Need I remind you which is more important? I need. It's baseball. Duh.

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