Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Reason #43: Jermiah Pharms

Jermiah Pharms is exactly the type of athlete the current Washington Huskies don't have. When he anchored the defense that helped his Huskies win the Rose Bowl and finish 3rd in the nation, you could've used any of the following descriptions for him: Physical. Bruising. Terrifying. Makes You Wet the Bed. Makes You Have Nightmares. Makes Your Nightmares have Nightmares.

Just watch this highlight video of him in high school:

If that's not enough, check out what he did during real games:
Pharms, a 250-pound linebacker from Sacramento, Calif., was a star at the UW. He bench-pressed more than 400 pounds, sported a pit-bull tattoo, and sometimes, during games, locked eyes with an opposing player and proceeded to urinate, the stream darkening his pants. He did this to intimidate. After all, who'd want to go against someone as crazy as that?
Pretty nasty, huh? Even more so when you consider he played all of his senior season with his FINGERPRINTS WERE CONNECTED TO A SHOOTING. Yes, that's right. His fingerprints were on the door handle of the car that was used for the get away. Oh, and the suspect's description was a man of massive build with the initals, J.P.

Hmm. That does kinda sound familar. Give me a second and I may be able to place it.

Oh and of course, UW protected him. He didn't get charged until after he was drafted by the Clevand Browns in the 5th round. He was sentenced to 3 years and 5 months in prison.

In case you were wondering, Pharms didn't graduate and get a degree but really, what are college athletic scholarships about?

Hint: The answer's not "Winning football games"

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